Monday, February 25, 2008

3 best ways to profit from coming US Dollar Collapse

Today David Walker, comptroller general of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a person who had openly informed us about situation of America's balance sheet, has resigned from his post. This fact is already called “The ultimate sell signal” and for those of us having savings in US Dollars a question arises: What should I do to minimize the losses? I've tried to put some short info on 3 best ways to come out with profit from coming disaster.

Invest in Euro

5 years ago you would get 925 Euro for $1000, Today this amount went down to 675 EUR only, so if you would convert $1000 to Euro 5 years ago, you would get $1370 today, a 37% profit. This can sound moderate, but much more than you would get just keeping your money in the bank. The downside of it is that fact, that Europe is being weakened by US politics and this can cause a domino effect in most world currencies after dollar collapse, as the US economy is still the biggest and other countries heavily rely on it.

Invest in Gold

Once again, let's stay at 5 years frame. In 2003 for $1000 You could by 2.79 ounces of Gold at 358 USD/oz. Today you would sell it for $2639. This would give you 164% profit over the last 5 years. What will happen with Gold if Dollar collapses? Will it maintain it's value?

Here is a link to a video with good overview of Gold benefits.

Invest in International Stock Markets

I will take Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (VGTSX) as reference and same dates: 25th Feb 2003 and 25th Feb 2008. In 2003 the price was 7.17 and today is 18.47, so for $1000 invested 5 years ago you would get $2576 today. This would give us 157% profit and diversification of investment, as the fund consists of 3 following funds: Vanguard European Stock Index Fund (55.2%) Vanguard Pacific Stock Index Fund (24.7%) and Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund (20.1%). As you can see, your money would be distributed around the globe, but again: in case of dollar collapse what will happen with other economies? Same question arises as with Euro.

Here is a great video on how to invest. Careful! It's about 60 minutes, but is a great piece.

As for me personally, at this moment I would go for 50% into Gold (for securty reasons) and 50% into Intl. Stock markets (hoping it will grow) and see how they will perform. And what would be your choice?

The Smartest Investment Book You'll Ever Read

Why Will US Dollar Collapse?

The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It

The Demise of the Dollar... and Why It's Great For Your Investments

The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Why will Dollar collapse?

A lot of news sources are predicting the very bad for US currency: the collapse of US Dollar. In this blog I will try to find all the points of view to this problem and to dig the best practices to avoid or minimize financial loss caused by collapse to an individual, but the first question which arises is why should US dollar - de facto world standard currency for decades would suddenly drop dead?

53 trillion direct and indirect debt obligations of the US Government. It's a big number! let's put it this way: 53,000,000,000,000! Get it? And it is growing every second, even when you sleep! Want to know more? Here is some info.

And here is the video interview with Comptroller General of the United States:

The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It

Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse

The Demise of the Dollar... and Why It's Great For Your Investments

How to Survive the Dollar Collapse

The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures